Harvest the Sweetest of Honey with Sugared Honey Beekeeping

Are you a beekeeper looking for a way to naturally sweeten your hives? Sugared honey is an ideal way to provide your bees with a healthy, natural source of sugar, as well as a delicious treat that your bees can enjoy. In this article, we’ll discuss how to make sugared honey for your hives, so you can keep your bees healthy and happy.

What is Crystallized Honey?

What Is Crystallized Honey?
Crystallized honey, also known as ‘sugared honey’ or ‘granulated honey’, is a thick, creamy, and spreadable form of honey. It is produced when the glucose in the honey crystalizes, creating a mixture of both liquid and solid honey. Crystallized honey has a much thicker texture than liquid honey, and it can be stored for longer periods of time without spoiling. Its flavor is also slightly different, as the sugar crystals give it a more intense sweetness.

How long does it take honey to crystallize? This process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the type of honey and the temperature at which it is stored. In general, the warmer the temperature, the faster the honey will crystallize. To make crystallized honey, store your honey at room temperature until it starts to thicken and become solid. The honey will eventually become thick and creamy, and the sugar crystals will be visible.

Once crystallized, your sugared honey is ready to be used in a variety of recipes, or simply enjoyed on its own.

How Long Does it Take Honey to Crystallize?

How Long Does It Take Honey To Crystallize?

Crystallized honey, also known as ‘sugared honey’, is a thick, creamy, and spreadable form of honey that has been processed through a process called creaming. This process requires the honey to be slowly cooled to temperatures between 12-15°C and agitated, resulting in the formation of tiny sugar crystals throughout the honey. The longer the cooling and agitation process, the smaller the sugar crystals become, and the thicker the honey becomes. Generally, it will take between 4-6 weeks for the honey to fully crystallize. The rate of crystallization will depend on the type of honey, the temperature and humidity in the environment, and the agitation applied.

What is crystallized honey? It is a thick, spreadable form of honey that has been processed through a process called creaming. The creaming process turns the honey into a spreadable form by creating tiny sugar crystals throughout the honey. It can be used as a spreadable topping for toast, pancakes, or waffles, or simply eaten by the spoonful.

Steps to Make Sugared Honey

Steps To Make Sugared Honey

1. Gather the necessary ingredients: 2 cups of honey and 1 cup of sugar.
2. Mix the honey and sugar in a bowl.
3. Stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved.
4. Spread the sugared honey onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
5. Bake the sugared honey at 350°F for 10 minutes.
6. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the sugared honey cool.
7. Transfer the sugared honey to an airtight container for storage.

Step 1: Boil the Honey

Step 1: Boil The Honey

  • Bring a pot of water to a boil.
  • Add honey to the boiling water, stirring until completely dissolved.
  • Allow the honey to boil for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and allow the sugared honey to cool.

Step 2: Cool the Honey

Step 2: Cool The Honey

  • Pour the honey into a clean container with a lid.
  • Leave the container in a cool, dark place for several days.
  • Check the honey every few days and stir it gently with a clean spoon.
  • Wait until the honey has cooled and thickened to the desired consistency.

Step 3: Pour the Honey onto the Tray

Step 3: Pour The Honey Onto The Tray

EquipmentHoney, tray

Carefully pour the honey into the tray. Make sure that the honey is evenly spread out and not too deep. If the honey is too thick, it may not cook evenly.

Step 4: Let the Honey Cool and Crystallize

Step 4: Let The Honey Cool And Crystallize
Cool and crystallize:

  • Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool down for several hours.
  • Crystallization will occur as the honey cools and thickens.
  • Once it is completely cooled, the sugared honey can be stored in a container.
  • It is best to store the sugared honey in a cool, dry place.

Step 5: Add the Crystallized Honey to the Hive

Once the sugared honey has been properly prepared, it is time to add it to the hive. The crystallized honey should be added to the hive in its granulated form, not in liquid form. The granulated form of the honey should be spread evenly throughout the hive. It is important to ensure that all of the bees in the hive have access to the sugared honey.

It is also important to note that the crystallized honey will not be available for the bees to consume immediately. It can take up to two weeks for the honey to crystallize and be ready for the bees to consume. Therefore, it is important to plan ahead and add the sugared honey to the hive with plenty of time for it to crystallize.

Once the sugared honey has been added to the hive and the bees have had ample time to consume it, the hive should be monitored to ensure that the bees are able to access the crystallized honey and that they are consuming it. This is important to ensure that the bees have access to the necessary nutrients that they need to survive and thrive.

When the sugared honey has been consumed, it is important to replace it with fresh sugared honey to ensure that the bees have access to the necessary nutrition. Beekeeping is an important part of maintaining a healthy hive, and sugared honey is a great way to provide the bees with the nutrition that they need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What equipment do I need to make sugared honey?

  • Sugar – ideally fine granulated sugar for the best results.
  • Bowls – two bowls, one for the sugar and one for the honey.
  • Mixing spoon – a wooden spoon, or other non-metallic spoon, for mixing the sugar and honey together.
  • Storage containers – a container with a lid to store the sugared honey.
  • Cheesecloth – a piece of cheesecloth, or other straining material, to strain the honey.

Once the equipment is gathered, it’s time to make sugared honey for the hives.

How Much Sugar and Honey Should I Use?

  • Sugar: Use a ratio of 1 part sugar to 4 parts water, weighing out the sugar before adding it to the water.
  • Honey: Use 1 pound of honey to 5 gallons of water.

The amount of sugar and honey you should use to make sugared honey varies depending on the size of your hives and the number of bees in the colony. It is important to use the correct ratio of sugar and honey to ensure your bees have enough food to survive and thrive. Always weigh out the sugar before adding it to the water and use 1 pound of honey to 5 gallons of water.

How do I Know When the Sugared Honey is Ready?

Once the sugar has been added to the honey, mix the two together until the sugar is completely dissolved. The sugared honey is ready to serve when it appears to be a thick syrup-like consistency. To test this, place a spoonful of the mixture onto a plate and tilt it to the side. If it thickly coats the plate, then the sugared honey is ready. If it is too thin, add more sugar and mix again.

Is Sugared Honey Safe for Bees to Consume?

Yes, sugared honey is safe for bees to consume. This type of honey is made by adding sugar to the honey, which acts as a preservative, reducing the risk of fermentation. Honey that has been sugared will last longer than regular honey, and it can help provide the bees with a consistent and reliable food source. To make sugared honey, beekeepers should use a sugar-water mixture and add it to the honey. This mixture should be made from equal parts sugar and water. The sugar-water mixture should then be added to the honey in small batches, allowing it to mix properly. Once the sugared honey is prepared, it can be stored in an airtight container and used as food for your hives.

Can I use Sugared Honey to Feed My Bees Year-Round?

  • Sugared honey is a mixture of regular honey and granulated sugar, often used to feed bees during winter and periods of nectar dearth.
  • Sugared honey can be used to feed bees year-round, however, it’s important to know when and how to properly feed your bees with it.
  • In general, sugared honey should only be used to feed bees during winter months and times of nectar dearth. During these periods, bees need extra energy to survive and sugared honey provides them with the necessary calories.
  • When using sugared honey to feed your bees, it is important to understand the correct proportions of sugar and honey. Too much sugar can be detrimental to your bees’ health, while too little sugar will not provide enough energy.
  • It is also important to know when to stop feeding your bees sugared honey. Once the nectar flow returns, it is best to stop feeding your bees sugared honey and allow them to get the necessary nutrition from natural sources.

In conclusion, sugared honey can be used to feed bees year-round, however, it is important to know when and how to feed them with it. Knowing the proper proportions of sugar and honey, as well as when to stop feeding your bees sugared honey, will help ensure the health and productivity of your hives.


The process of making sugared honey is an easy and effective way to keep your hives full of food and healthy. By simply mixing honey and sugar together, you can provide your bees with a tasty treat that will keep them happy and well-fed. With the right ingredients and some patience, you can have a successful beekeeping experience.


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