Beekeeping 101: When Do Bees Come Out?

Are you curious about beekeeping and wondering “when do bees come out?” If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss all you need to know about beekeeping and when bees come out. We’ll explore their life cycles, behavior, and what homeowners need to know about beekeeping. You’ll learn about the best times of the year to start beekeeping and the different types of bees. With this information, you’ll be ready to start your own beekeeping journey!

What Season Do Bees Come Out?

What Season Do Bees Come Out?

Bees typically come out in the spring, when the weather is warm. They emerge from their hives to begin their work of collecting nectar and pollen to make honey. Bees typically become active when the temperature is above 50°F (10°C). Depending on the region and climate, spring can start as early as February and last until May or June.

RegionSpring StartSpring End
Northern HemisphereFebruaryMay/June
Southern HemisphereAugustNovember

Bees typically become active in the afternoon when temperatures are warm enough. During the day, they fly around to collect nectar and pollen from flowers, plants, and trees. At night, they return to their hives to rest and sleep. As the days get warmer and longer, the bees become even more active.

In the winter, bees go into a state of hibernation. They huddle together to stay warm and cluster around the queen. During this time, they do not leave the hive and do not collect nectar and pollen. As spring arrives and the weather gets warmer, they become active again and begin their work.

Factors That Affect When Bees Come Out

Factors That Affect When Bees Come Out


Temperature is a major factor in determining when bees come out. When temperatures are warm enough, usually around 55-60°F, bees are able to venture out and go about their daily activities.


Weather conditions also play a major role in when bees come out. Humidity, wind, and rain can all affect when bees come out and how active they are.


The availability of pollen is also an important factor in determining when bees come out. When pollen is plentiful, bees will take advantage of the opportunity to collect it and bring it back to their hives.

Availability of Food Sources

Finally, the availability of food sources is another major factor that can affect when bees come out. If food is scarce, bees may stay in the hive until more food becomes available.

In conclusion, when do bees come out depends largely on the temperature, weather, pollen, and availability of food sources. These factors must all be taken into consideration when deciding when to start beekeeping.

When Do Bees Go Back to Their Hive?

When Do Bees Go Back To Their Hive?

Bees typically return to their hive in the evening, when the temperature is cooler and the light is dimming. As the day winds down and the sun begins to set, the bees will fly back to their hive to rest. Bees will also return to their hive if the temperature drops too low, or if there is a sudden drop in the availability of nectar or pollen.

The amount of time the bees spend foraging for food will depend on the availability of resources. If the area is rich in nectar and pollen, the bees may stay out longer; however, if the resources are scarce, they will return to the hive sooner. The time of day also affects when the bees go back to the hive; they tend to go back before the sun sets.

The bees will also return to their hive when they sense danger, such as the presence of a predator. If the hive is threatened, the bees will quickly fly back to their hive to protect it and the queen bee.

The bees will also leave the hive in the morning, when the sun rises and the temperature is warmer. When the temperature outside is ideal for foraging, the bees will leave the hive to search for food. This is when beekeepers should be most careful, as the bees will be most active and may become agitated if disturbed.

When do the bees go away? Generally, bees will return to their hive in the evening and leave in the morning. However, the exact timing can vary depending on the availability of food and the temperature. Beekeepers should be aware of these factors and be prepared to act quickly if the bees become agitated.

When Will the Bees Go Away?

When Will The Bees Go Away?

Bees usually go away when they are done collecting nectar and pollen from flowers. Depending on the season and the availability of flowers, bees may stay in one area for a few weeks or even months. Here are some tips to help you know when bees will go away:

  • In the summer, bees are attracted to flowering plants and trees, so when the flowers start to die off, bees will move away.
  • If you live in an area with cold winters, bees will be inactive during the winter and will start to fly again in the spring when the temperature rises.
  • If you find a bee hive in or near your house, it could be a sign of an infestation and you should contact a local beekeeper or pest control specialist. They will help you determine when the bees will go away.

When it comes to bee activity, it’s important to remember that they will not go away on their own. If you want to keep bees away from your home or property, you should take steps to make your home less attractive to them, such as removing any potential food sources, like flowers and fruits.

Beekeeping Practices That Help Keep Bees Around

Beekeeping Practices That Help Keep Bees Around

Beekeeping is an important practice for keeping bee populations healthy and ensuring that they stay around for the future. Beekeepers should ensure that the hives are well-maintained and provide adequate protection from the elements and predators. They should also monitor the health of the hive and take steps to prevent disease and parasites.

Beekeepers can also take steps to provide a healthy environment for the bees. This includes selecting the right location for the hive and providing abundant food sources, such as flowers, trees, and shrubs. In addition, beekeepers should avoid using pesticides and other chemicals that could be harmful to the bees.

To help ensure that the bees have enough food and water, beekeepers should provide supplemental feeding and water sources. This can include sugar syrup or pollen patties. If the hive is in an area where there are not enough natural food sources, beekeepers can also provide a variety of artificial food sources.

Another important beekeeping practice is the regular inspection of the hive. Beekeepers should inspect the hive at least once a month to ensure that it is healthy, the bees are active, and the honey stores are adequate. This inspection should include looking for signs of disease or parasites, and taking steps to address any problems.

Finally, beekeepers should also practice swarm prevention. Bees will naturally swarm when their hive becomes overcrowded, so beekeepers should provide larger hives or split the colony into two or more hives. This will help to reduce the chances of swarming and help to keep the bees around.

Overall, beekeeping practices are important for keeping bee populations healthy and abundant. By following the above practices, beekeepers can help ensure that the bees stay around for years to come.

Tips to Make Bees Feel Welcome

  • Provide a Water Source: Bees need fresh water to build their hives and create honey. Place shallow bowls of water around your garden and near the hive. You can also hang a dripping bottle for them.
  • Grow Flowering Plants: Plant flowers in your garden, especially ones that produce nectar and pollen. Native flowering plants are best since bees are more familiar with them.
  • Reduce the Use of Chemicals: Avoid the use of pesticides and herbicides, as they are toxic to bees. If you must use them, avoid spraying them near the hive.
  • Provide a Shelter: Make sure to provide a sheltered area for bees to rest and hide from the sun and rain. You can also build bee boxes, which are wooden boxes with small holes on the sides.
  • Keep the Hive Clean: Regularly clean the hive and the surrounding area to keep it free from pests and diseases. Also, remove any dead bees from the hive.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Benefits of Beekeeping?

Beekeeping offers numerous benefits such as providing pollination and honey production, providing a natural source of income, providing natural medicines, improving local biodiversity, and aiding in the conservation of wild bee populations. Beekeepers can also benefit from the sale of wax, royal jelly, and propolis from their hives. Furthermore, beekeeping can help promote environmental education and foster a connection to nature.

What are the Risks of Beekeeping?

Beekeeping can pose serious risks to the beekeeper, including the possibility of stings, allergic reactions, and even anaphylaxis. Protective clothing, such as a bee suit, should be worn at all times when handling bees. Beekeepers should also be aware of the potential for diseases and pests to infect the hive, such as Varroa mites, American foulbrood, and European foulbrood. It is also important to be aware of the risk of bee swarms, which can occur if the hive becomes overcrowded and the bees decide to move to a new location.

What Equipment Do I Need to Begin Beekeeping?

Bee Suit: A bee suit is a protective clothing that provides complete coverage to the body. It is necessary to protect the body from stings.

Hive Tool: A hive tool is a multi-purpose tool used to open and scrape the hive, remove frames, and cut wax.

Smoker: A smoker helps to calm bees and reduce the risk of being stung. It is also used to create smoke to cloud the hive and mask the pheromones released by the bees.

Feeder: A bee feeder is used to provide the bees with supplemental food when there is a lack of nectar in the environment.

Queen Excluder: A queen excluder is a device used to prevent the queen bee from entering the honey supers.

Honey Extractor: A honey extractor is a mechanical device used to extract honey from the comb.

Frame Grasp: A frame grasp is a tool used to hold frames while inspecting the hive or harvesting honey.

Bee Brush: A bee brush is a soft-bristled brush used to gently move bees away from the hive.

Protective Gloves: Protective gloves are necessary when handling bees, especially when harvesting honey.

How Often Should I Check On My Hives?

It is important to regularly check your hives throughout the season to ensure they are healthy. Generally, beehives should be inspected every 4-6 weeks, depending on the time of year. During spring and summer, more frequent inspections are recommended, especially in the first few weeks after installing a new hive. During fall, hives should be inspected less often as the bees are preparing for winter. Note that during winter, it is not recommended to open hives as it can disrupt the bees’ hibernation.

What should I do if I come across a wild hive of bees?

  • Do not disturb the hive:

  • The best thing to do when you come across a wild hive of bees is to not disturb it. Bees are naturally defensive of their hives, so any sudden movements or vibrations near the hive can trigger an aggressive response.

  • Do not spray the hive:

  • It is important to not spray insecticides or any other chemicals on the hive as this will not only harm the bees, but can also spread the toxins to other nearby plants, animals, and insects.

  • Notify local beekeeping organizations:

  • If you come across a wild hive of bees, it is recommended to contact local beekeeping organizations who may be able to help with the relocation of the hive.

  • Observe from a distance:

  • If you are unable to contact any local beekeeping organizations, you can observe the hive from a distance and watch the activity of the bees. This can help you determine if the hive is healthy and active or if it may need to be relocated.


Beekeeping is a rewarding and educational experience. Knowing when bees come out and what type of environment they prefer can help you successfully keep and maintain a healthy bee colony. With the proper knowledge and equipment, beekeepers can enjoy the rewards of their labor while supporting the pollinators that are so important to the environment.


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